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A Day in the Life of a Newly Inducted Brother


My name is Aly McKnight and I am a part of the Life and Mental Health committee. I am currently a first year Business Administration major with a concentration in Marketing. A typical Wednesday for me is packed full with classes and homework.

My day begins around 9:30 in the morning when I jump out of bed to get ready for my day! With a lofted bed in my dorm room, I actually physically jump out of bed. It is a good way to wake myself up every day as it really gets my adrenaline going to start my day. (The floor below me isn’t too fond of it though). Most mornings throughout the week I don’t eat breakfast, but pouring myself a cup of Ginger Root tea is my favorite step in my morning routine to get my brain feeling right before any classes I have that day. My first class on Wednesdays is over Zoom, so I of course wait for a specific time before I log into class. (I found that 10:56 is the perfect time). At 11 am, my Intro to Philosophy class begins and I sit through that, pretending like I understand all of the reasoning jargon my Professor throws our way. I end Philosophy around 11:50 and instantly start flipping through my Microeconomics notes to prepare for the quiz we had via Blackboard. Thankfully my Economics professor is an angel and allows us to work with our classmates on quizzes, so I met up with Maddi Szto, a fellow Bro, to hopefully help each other understand market outcomes and price controls. Try not to be too jealous of all the fun we have in that class!

My walk to class.

After that grueling quiz, we had to head to the COG for some salmon and mixed veggies. I have to be honest and say that the salmon is sometimes the highlight of my week. Of course it is even better when you are eating with such great company! There’s nothing better than hangin’ with a Bro and eating COG salmon. (Try to convince me otherwise). From there I decided to log into my next class, Christian Mysticism, another class I have with Bro, Kyra Piper! That specific class is fully remote, so I try to pick a new spot in Hemm to sit, just to bring some excitement into my daily routine. This semester I have made a pact with myself to try and explore as much of campus as possible while I have the freedom to Zoom from anywhere for a couple of my classes. If you have any suggestions, I would absolutely love to hear some!

Lunch with Emily and Maddi.

Right after I end my Christian Mysticism class, I walk right over to Jepson from wherever I am to head to my Microeconomics class, with fellow Bro Oliva Burlingame! We always enjoy catching up throughout the week before the lecture starts, often about what is happening in AKPsi. I love, love, love being able to talk to other AKPsi members and ask any questions we may have to each other. I enjoy using the time I have in between classes to listen to music and mentally prepare for whatever is next in my day. Depending on my mood, I usually change the song in my “Chill Walking Playlist” a couple of times before I find one that will hype me up before class starts. Fortunately, my Economics class is only fifty minutes, and with that, all three of my classes that day are done! Now for the super fun part... a bunch of homework.

Me in my Economics class.

As I walk back to my room in Coughlin, I am usually talking to a few friends that I see along the way, taking in the pretty views on campus. Being from Northern California, I don’t experience snow that often, so I definitely try to appreciate it when it happens! For the next few hours, I grind out my homework for the next couple of days so I am able to enjoy as much time as I can with my friends in the evenings. With it being Rush Week this week, I have been using my time to figure out how I need to prepare for the Rush events. I also use my homework time as a chance to catch up on anything I need to work on for the Life and Mental Health committee.

By the time I finish my homework, and any other AKPsi events, I will go and grab a quick dinner with friends. For the rest of the night, I make sure I am prepared for classes the next day and head to bed after an insane amount of time on Tik Tok. Then I wake up the next morning and do it all over again!



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