My name is Kelli Maunder and I am the Chair of Brotherhood. I am currently a sophomore majoring in Accounting and minoring in Sports Management. A typical Tuesday for me is my Sports Management day.
My day begins by waking up at 6 am, but stay in bed until 6:30 scrolling through Instagram, when I finally start to get out of bed I play my favorite Spotify playlist. Some mornings I don’t eat breakfast but this Tuesday I had toast and peanut butter while I reviewed my notes from my last week’s lecture. At 7:30, I leave my dorm and walk across campus to Rosauer for my in-person 8 am Sport & Activity in a Diverse Society. After my class ended at 9:15, I ran into some other AKPsi members in the COG while grabbing a quick second breakfast. Once I got back to Rosauer, I found an empty table and worked on my Philosophy 201 homework on Augustine while listening to Spotify. Whenever I have breaks in my schedule I either do homework or I review my lecture notes for my next class. My last class of the day is my in-person 10:50 Ethical and Legal Aspects in Sport. Once my class ended, I had a Zoom meeting with my advisor that took up my lunch break until I am supposed to go to work.

While working at the Jepson Lab, I usually do a lot of my chair duties and other AKPsi work. I sent a reminder to my committee about our meeting that night and mentioned a survey that I needed them to fill out. I also mentioned that a member for the HR committee was coming to the beginning of our meeting to do our Bro Talk. After that I began making notes for what my committee needed to go over at our meeting and how I was going to make the meeting fun and engaging. I also scheduled some Zoom meetings with other chairs and other leaders of AKPsi, about an upcoming event my committee is working on. Once I got off work, I stayed in Jepson to finish taking notes from my sports law class and reviewed the videos that my professor showed us and finished my discussion post on diversity and inclusion for my sports diversity class.

By the time that I finished all of that it was time to eat dinner, I met some of my non-AKPsi friends for dinner before I had another Zoom meeting before my committee meeting. I went back to my dorm at 6:30 so I could prepare for the Brotherhood meeting by pulling up the survey results. At 7pm is when my committee meets every week. We had a great Bro Talk and for the rest of the meeting we went over the results of the survey and delegated who was going to run what event and when they needed to present key details to our committee. After my meeting ended, I began preparing and finishing last minute touches on my notes for my next day of classes. My Tuesday ended at 11pm when I finally stepped away from my computer and notes and got ready for bed.

A photo of Brotherhood committee volunteering at Habitat for Humanity.